Antimicrobial stewardship in ICUs during the COVID-19 pandemic: back to the 90s? – Intensive Care Medicine Commentary on Twitter Side effect of #COVID19 surge: ignoring well established strategies➡️ limit ABTs exposure vs resistances: MV/long #ICU stay➡️ avoid toxicity: antivirals/antibiotics can have severe adverse effects/interactions➡️ high mortality: improving outcome crucial — Intens Care […]
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Herd Immunity and Implications for SARS-CoV-2 Control – JAMA Author Interview: Can We Count on Herd Immunity to Control COVID-19? – JAMA Patient Page: What Is Herd Immunity? – JAMA Commentary on Twitter Herd immunity is real. It may be inevitable given our poor handling of COVID-19 and nature of the virus. But to […]
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Multi-organ impairment in low-risk individuals with long COVID – medRxiv Related study (preprint): Persistent symptoms after Covid-19: qualitative study of 114 long Covid patients and draft quality criteria for services – medRxiv Commentary on Twitter "In a young, low-risk population with ongoing symptoms, almost 70% of individuals have impairment in 1 or more organs […]
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Cytokine elevation in severe and critical COVID-19: a rapid systematic review, meta-analysis, and comparison with other inflammatory syndromes – The Lancet Respiratory Medicine Commentary on Twitter The cytokine storm of severe #COVID19 and how it differs from ARDS, sepsis, and CAR-T cytokine release syndrome. Best review to date on this ★Today @LancetRespirMed @danleisman […]
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Answering Key Questions About COVID-19 Vaccines – JAMA Commentary on Twitter Many individuals are hesitant about receiving #COVID19 vaccines. It is critical that clinicians stay well informed about emerging data so that they can help patients make sound decisions @JesseGoodmanMD @ImmunizeOrg @pharmacists — JAMA (@JAMA_current) October 16, 2020
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Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Contemporary Management and Novel Approaches during COVID-19 – Anesthesiology Source: Grupo UTI Clínica HCFMUSP Commentary on Twitter Review article in @_Anesthesiology showing a summary of 25 yr of ARDS intervention trials and contemporary management and novel approaches during COVID-19 ✅#ICU #CriticalCare #COVID__19 #ARDS — Alice Blet, MD, PhD (@BletAlice) […]
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A dynamic review of the evidence around ongoing Covid19 symptoms (often called Long Covid) – National Institute for Health Research News Release: Living with COVID: NIHR publishes dynamic themed review into ‘ongoing COVID’ Commentaries: Coronavirus: ‘Long Covid could be four different syndromes’ – BBC AND Long covid could be four different syndromes, review suggests – […]
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Study 1: Reduced prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in ABO blood group O – Blood Advances Study 2: The association of ABO blood group with indices of disease severity and multiorgan dysfunction in COVID-19 – Blood Advances Commentaries: People with blood type O may have lower risk of Covid-19 infection and severe illness, two new studies […]
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Improving Prone Positioning for Severe ARDS during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Implementation Mapping Approach – Annals of the American Thoracic Society Commentary: Study examines ways to improve prone positioning for severe ARDS during COVID-19 pandemic – News Medical / American Thoracic Society Commentary on Twitter Improving Prone Positioning for Severe ARDS during the COVID-19 […]
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