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High prevalence of pericardial involvement in college student-athletes recovering from COVID-19

High Prevalence of Pericardial Involvement in College Student-Athletes Recovering From COVID-19 – JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging   Commentary on Twitter The heart and #COVID19 in 54 consecutive college athletes @WVUHealth w/ echo, MRIhttps://t.co/76DvMNaeBL @JACCJournals todayhttps://t.co/hMyY8cQNln @ppsengupta1 @BritoCardio >1/3 had resolving pericarditis with mild-moderate covid or no symptoms; no myocarditis, no controls pic.twitter.com/GTj3JZxL26 — Eric Topol (@EricTopol) […]

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Pharmacological principles guiding prolonged glucocorticoid treatment in ARDS. Dosage, timing of initiation, mode of administration, duration of therapy, infection surveillance, tapering, and more

Pharmacological principles guiding prolonged glucocorticoid treatment in ARDS – Intensive Care Medicine   Commentary on Twitter Glucocorticoids in #ARDS… focus not only on molecule! Key elements to achieve optimal response to therapy:➡️ dosage (initial, overtime, adjustments)➡️ timing of initiation➡️ mode of administration➡️ duration of therapy➡️ tapering➡️ co-interventionshttps://t.co/4b9vtNXsb7 pic.twitter.com/X6UZyMSI1r — Intens Care Med (@yourICM) November 4, […]

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Review of clinical strategies for implementing lung and diaphragm-protective ventilation: avoiding insufficient and excessive effort

Clinical strategies for implementing lung and diaphragm-protective ventilation: avoiding insufficient and excessive effort – Intensive Care Medicine   Commentary on Twitter Protecting lung (vs excessive stress/strain) & diaphragm (vs atrophy/injury due to low/excessive efforts) bedside:➡️ inspiratory/expiratory MV settings➡️ monitoring & managing effort or drive➡️ managing dyssynchrony➡️ sedation➡️ adjuvant strategieshttps://t.co/pdvKndwHYY pic.twitter.com/irvrX9WxTj — Intens Care Med (@yourICM) […]

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Review: Diagnosis and treatment of lower extremity venous thromboembolism. Role of pretest probability and D-Dimer on diagnosis + treatment issues such as postthrombotic syndrome and the role of new anticoagulants

Diagnosis and Treatment of Lower Extremity Venous Thromboembolism: A Review – JAMA (free for a limited period) Summary: Diagnosis and Treatment of Lower Extremity Venous Thromboembolism – American College of Cardiology  

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Clinical strategies for implementing lung and diaphragm-protective ventilation: avoiding insufficient and excessive effort

Clinical strategies for implementing lung and diaphragm-protective ventilation: avoiding insufficient and excessive effort – Intensive Care Medicine   Commentary on Twitter Protecting lung (vs excessive stress/strain) & diaphragm (vs atrophy/injury due to low/excessive efforts) bedside:➡️ inspiratory/expiratory MV settings➡️ monitoring & managing effort or drive➡️ managing dyssynchrony➡️ sedation➡️ adjuvant strategieshttps://t.co/pdvKndwHYY pic.twitter.com/irvrX9WxTj — Intens Care Med (@yourICM) […]

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New CDC Report found that pregnant women with Covid-19 are more likely to have severe illness

Update: Characteristics of Symptomatic Women of Reproductive Age with Laboratory-Confirmed SARS-CoV-2 Infection by Pregnancy Status — United States, January 22–October 3, 2020 – CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Commentary: Pregnant women with Covid-19 face higher risk of severe illness and death, study says – CNN  

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Opinion – Hydroxychloroquine: A tale of overzealous optimism and patient harm

Hydroxychloroquine: A tale of overzealous optimism and patient harm – First10EM  

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Spike in prescribing dexamethasone to Covid-19 patients may do more harm than good

Spike in prescribing dexamethasone to Covid-19 patients may do more harm than good – STAT  

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Perspective: A series of disappointing results of immune-based therapies for COVID-19

A Series of Disappointing Results of Immune-Based Therapies for COVID-19 – HIV and ID Observations  

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Updated clinical guide for the critical care management of adults with COVID-19

Clinical guide for the management of critical care for adults with COVID-19 during the Coronavirus pandemic – Intensive Care Society  

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