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SARS-CoV-2 antibody-positivity protects against reinfection for at least seven months with 95% efficacy.

SARS-CoV-2 antibody-positivity protects against reinfection for at least seven months with 95% efficacy – EClinicalMedicine  

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COVID vaccines can block variant hitting Asia, lab study finds – “Assays using live SARS-CoV-2 offer hope that the vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna will protect against a viral strain first seen in India”.

COVID vaccines can block variant hitting Asia, lab study finds – Nature See also: Pfizer, Moderna vaccines effective against Indian variants: study – MedicalXpress   Commentary on Twitter Pfizer & Moderna mRNA vaccines are effective against multiple SARSCoV2 variants, including the B.1.617 & B.1.618, 2 variants underlying the surge in India. The research, while not […]

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#ACC21 – [Not published yet] RCT: Among hospitalized patients with Covid-19 and elevated D-Dimer, therapeutic anticoagulation with Rivaroxaban 20 mg was not associated with improved outcomes and resulted in increased major bleeding.

AntiCoagulaTIon cOroNavirus – ACTION – American College of Cardiology Commentary: ACTION: Full-Dose Rivaroxaban Doesn’t Help in Hospitalized COVID-19 – TCTMD Video: Dr. Renato Lopes and Dr. C. Michael Gibson Discuss: Randomized Clinical Trial To Evaluate A Routine Full Anticoagulation Strategy In Patients With Coronavirus Infection (SARS-CoV-2) Admitted To Hospital: The Coalition ACTION Trial  

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[Preprint] Practice Changing RCT: Therapeutic-dose anticoagulation with heparin (LMWH or unfractionated heparin) improves outcomes in non-critically ill patients with Covid-19 – the superiority of therapeutic-dose anticoagulation was seen in both high and

Therapeutic Anticoagulation in Non-Critically Ill Patients with Covid-19 – medRxiv Related: [Preprint] RCT: Full-dose/therapeutic anticoagulation provides no benefit in critically ill patients with Covid-19   Commentary on Twitter Final results of the mpRCT now on preprint server. In non-critically ill patients with COVID-19 (n=2219), therapeutic-dose anticoagulation with heparins increases survival to hospital discharge with reduced […]

The post [Preprint] Practice Changing RCT: Therapeutic-dose anticoagulation with heparin (LMWH or unfractionated heparin) improves outcomes in non-critically ill patients with Covid-19 – the superiority of therapeutic-dose anticoagulation was seen in both high and low D-dimer groups. appeared first on Links Medicus.

‘It’s not over yet’: Uncertain protection from Covid vaccines leaves cancer patients in limbo.

‘It’s not over yet’: Uncertain protection from Covid vaccines leaves cancer patients in limbo – STAT Related: COVID-19 Vaccines in Patients With Cancer—A Welcome Addition, but There Is Need for Optimization – JAMA Oncology  

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#ACC21 – [Not published yet] RCT: DARE-19: Dapagliflozin is safe, but did not significantly improve outcomes among high-risk patients hospitalized with COVID-19.

DARE-19: Dapagliflozin in High-Risk Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 – American College of Cardiology See also: Dapagliflozin in Respiratory Failure in Patients With COVID-19 – DARE-19 – American College of Cardiology   Commentaries on Twitter DARE-19 trial #ACC21 @ACCinTouch Dapa did not reduce clinical endpoints in #COVID19, but excellent safety profile ? Do not discontinue SGLT2i […]

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Modeling study: Delaying second doses of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna mRNA vaccines could reduce deaths by up to 20% under certain conditions.

Public health impact of delaying second dose of BNT162b2 or mRNA-1273 covid-19 vaccine: simulation agent based modeling study – The BMJ Commentaries: Expert reaction to study looking at the public health impact of delaying the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines – Science Media Centre AND Delaying second Covid vaccine doses can […]

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[Preprint] Delaying second Pfizer vaccine dose to 12 weeks increases specific antibody response 3.5-fold in people over 80 years of age.

BNT162b2 Vaccination in People Over 80 Years of Age Induces Strong Humoral Immune Responses with Cross Neutralisation of P.1 Brazilian Variant – The Lancet News release: Delaying second Pfizer vaccines to 12 weeks significantly increases antibody responses in older people, finds study – University of Birmingham Commentaries: Delaying a COVID vaccine’s second dose boosts immune […]

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RECOVERY Trial: No benefit from convalescent plasma in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19.

Convalescent plasma in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised controlled, open-label, platform trial – The Lancet Invited commentary: Convalescent plasma in patients hospitalised with COVID-19   Commentaries on Twitter Convalescent plasma: Yet another example of Don’t guess, don’t gamble Randomize… and learn I’ve heard it said that it was deemed “too difficult” […]

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Systematic review: Combination fixed‐dose beta-agonist and steroid inhaler as required is clinically effective in adults and adolescents with mild asthma.

Combination fixed‐dose beta agonist and steroid inhaler as required for adults or children with mild asthma – Cochrane Library Summary: Combination fixed-dose beta agonist and steroid inhaler as required for adults or children with mild asthma – Cochrane Library  

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