Risk of clinical sequelae after the acute phase of SARS-CoV-2 infection: retrospective cohort study – The BMJ Editorial: Unpacking post-covid symptoms – The BMJ Commentary on Twitter (thread – click for more) After covid infections, 14% of >266,000 people, age ≤ 65, developed at least 1 sequelae that required medical care #LongCovid Just out […]
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International COVID-19 trial to restart with focus on immune responses – Nature
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Colchicine in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial – medRxiv Commentary on Twitter (thread – click for more) RECOVERY pre-print: Colchicine 11340 patients hospitalised with COVID-19 Randomised to colchicine vs usual care No significant improvement in:– 28-day mortality– discharge alive at 28 days– progression to invasive mechanical […]
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Pharmacological and surgical interventions for the treatment of gastro‐oesophageal reflux in adults and children with asthma – Cochrane Library Summary: Treatment of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease to help manage asthma in adults and children – Cochrane Library
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E-Cigarettes and the U.S. Menthol Ban: A Missed Opportunity to Protect Youth – Think Global Health Commentary on Twitter (thread – click for more) ??? @US_FDA should ban flavors in all nicotine-containing products, not just menthol cigarettes. More than 8 out of 10 current youth e-cigarette users in the U.S. vape non-tobacco flavors. IHME […]
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Where are we with drug treatments for covid-19? – The BMJ
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Incidence and mortality of COVID‐19‐associated pulmonary aspergillosis: A systematic review and meta‐analysis – Mycoses
The post M-A: Incidence and mortality of COVID‐19‐associated pulmonary aspergillosis – The incidence and mortality in the ICU were estimated to be 10.2% and 54.9%, respectively. appeared first on Links Medicus.
SARS-CoV-2 antibody-positivity protects against reinfection for at least seven months with 95% efficacy – EClinicalMedicine
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COVID vaccines can block variant hitting Asia, lab study finds – Nature See also: Pfizer, Moderna vaccines effective against Indian variants: study – MedicalXpress Commentary on Twitter Pfizer & Moderna mRNA vaccines are effective against multiple SARSCoV2 variants, including the B.1.617 & B.1.618, 2 variants underlying the surge in India. The research, while not […]
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AntiCoagulaTIon cOroNavirus – ACTION – American College of Cardiology Commentary: ACTION: Full-Dose Rivaroxaban Doesn’t Help in Hospitalized COVID-19 – TCTMD Video: Dr. Renato Lopes and Dr. C. Michael Gibson Discuss: Randomized Clinical Trial To Evaluate A Routine Full Anticoagulation Strategy In Patients With Coronavirus Infection (SARS-CoV-2) Admitted To Hospital: The Coalition ACTION Trial
The post #ACC21 – [Not published yet] RCT: Among hospitalized patients with Covid-19 and elevated D-Dimer, therapeutic anticoagulation with Rivaroxaban 20 mg was not associated with improved outcomes and resulted in increased major bleeding. appeared first on Links Medicus.