REGEN-COV Antibody Cocktail Clinical Outcomes Study in Covid-19 Outpatients – medRxiv Commentary on Twitter REGEN-COV Antibody Cocktail(casirivimab with imdevimab) Clinical Outcomes Study in Covid-19 Outpatients: N:>4000 ptsBoth 1200mg IV&2400mg REGEN-COV led to a ≥70% ⬇️ (vs placebo) in Covid-19 hospitalization or all-cause death over 28 days after treatment — Antibiotic Steward ???Bassam Ghanem […]
The post [Preprint] RCT: Both REGEN-COV 2400mg and 1200mg antibody cocktails significantly reduced Covid-19-related hospitalization or all-cause death compared to placebo (71.3% reduction and 70.4% reduction, respectively). appeared first on Links Medicus.