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Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) Strategy 2021 – Executive summary and rationale for key changes.

Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) Strategy 2021 – Executive summary and rationale for key changes – European Respiratory Journal  

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Covid-19: New mutation of Delta variant under close watch in UK.

Covid-19: New mutation of Delta variant under close watch in UK – BBC  

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[Preprint] Observational study in Brazil showed the J&J vaccine adjusted effectiveness was 50.9% against any symptomatic Covid-19, 72.9% for hospitalization, 92.5% for ICU admission, 88.7% for mechanical ventilation, and 90.5% for death.

Vaccine effectiveness of Ad26.COV2.S against symptomatic COVID-19 and clinical outcomes in Brazil: a test-negative study design – medRxiv  

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Should You Mix and Match Your Booster Shot?

Should You Mix and Match Your Booster Shot? – The Atlantic Related: Study evaluated several heterologous SARS-CoV-2 vaccine regimens; no efficacy data but there was increased antibody production on study days 15 and 29 after booster shots from Moderna and Pfizer. A primer on what we know about mixing and matching Covid vaccines. Real-world data […]

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Cohort Study: The effectiveness of heterologous AstraZeneca (AZ)/mRNA prime-boost vaccination was more significant (68%) compared to the effectiveness of homologous AZ/AZ vaccination (50%) against symptomatic Covid-19 infection in Sweden.

Effectiveness of heterologous ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 and mRNA prime-boost vaccination against symptomatic Covid-19 infection in Sweden: A nationwide cohort study – The Lancet Regional Health Europe Commentary: High effectiveness of mix-and-match COVID-19 vaccines – UMEA University Related: Study evaluated several heterologous SARS-CoV-2 vaccine regimens; no efficacy data but there was increased antibody production on study days […]

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RCT: Interferon does not improve outcomes for hospitalized adults with COVID-19.

News release: Interferon does not improve outcomes for hospitalized adults with COVID-19 – NIH News Releases Original study: Efficacy of interferon beta-1a plus remdesivir compared with remdesivir alone in hospitalised adults with COVID-19: a double-bind, randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial – The Lancet Respiratory Medicine  

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Long-term consequences of the misuse of ivermectin data.

Long-term consequences of the misuse of ivermectin data – The Lancet Infectious Diseases Related: Ivermectin: How false science created a Covid ‘miracle’ drug. Fraudulent ivermectin studies open up new battleground between science and misinformation. The lesson of ivermectin: meta-analyses based on summary data alone are inherently unreliable. Ivermectin: Cochrane’s most talked about review so far, […]

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Systematic Review: Colchicine for the treatment of COVID‐19 – not beneficial for hospitalized patients; inconclusive evidence for the treatment of non-hospitalized patients, “probably slightly reduces the need for hospitalization or death within 28 days c

Colchicine for the treatment of COVID‐19 – Cochrane Library Related: [Preprint] PRINCIPLE RCT: Colchicine does not improve time to recovery in outpatients with Covid-19 at higher risk of complications. COLCORONA RCT: Colchicine for community-treated patients with COVID-19 – findings suggest it may lower death and hospital admission rates, but further studies are required. [Preprint] RECOVERY […]

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RECOVERY Trial: In patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19, Colchicine did not reduce 28-day mortality, duration of hospital stay, or risk of progressing to invasive mechanical ventilation or death.

Colchicine in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial – The Lancet Respiratory Medicine Related: [Preprint] PRINCIPLE RCT: Colchicine does not improve time to recovery in outpatients with Covid-19 at higher risk of complications. COLCORONA RCT: Colchicine for community-treated patients with COVID-19 – findings suggest it may lower death […]

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What can masks do? Part 2: What makes for a good mask study — and why most fail.

COMMENTARY: What can masks do? Part 2: What makes for a good mask study — and why most fail – CIDRAP See also: COMMENTARY: What can masks do? Part 1: The science behind COVID-19 protection – CIDRAP  

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