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WHO Infographic | How to care COVID-19 patients with mild symptoms at home: information for health care workers.

COVID-19 home care bundle for health care workers – World Health Organization   Commentary on Twitter How to care #COVID19 patients with mild symptoms at home: information for health care workershttps://t.co/r09i9k0zGl pic.twitter.com/i5ihXQrhzg — World Health Organization (WHO) (@WHO) May 8, 2021  

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New WHO Online Course: Initial approach to the acutely ill patient with COVID-19.

Clinical management of patients with COVID-19: Initial approach to the acutely ill patient – World Health Organization  

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Cohort study: Arterial events, venous thromboembolism, thrombocytopenia, and bleeding after vaccination with Oxford-AstraZeneca ChAdOx1-S. 11 excess venous thromboembolic events per 100 000 vaccinations; 2.5 excess cerebral venous thrombosis per 100 000 v

Arterial events, venous thromboembolism, thrombocytopenia, and bleeding after vaccination with Oxford-AstraZeneca ChAdOx1-S in Denmark and Norway: population based cohort study – The BMJ Editorial: Thromboembolism and the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine – The BMJ Commentaries: Thrombosis and bleeding after the Oxford-AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccination – The BMJ Opinion AND Putting risks into context: covid-19 vaccines and blood clots […]

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COVID-19 has caused 6.9 million deaths globally, more than double what official reports show

News release: COVID-19 has caused 6.9 million deaths globally, more than double what official reports show – Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Report: Estimation of total mortality due to COVID-19 – Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Commentaries: New analysis finds global Covid death toll is double official estimates – STAT AND Global COVID-19 […]

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One third of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 have lung changes after a year

3-month, 6-month, 9-month, and 12-month respiratory outcomes in patients following COVID-19-related hospitalisation: a prospective study – The Lancet Respiratory Medicine Commentaries: One third of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 have lung changes after a year – University of Southampton AND An integrated understanding of long-term sequelae after acute COVID-19 – The Lancet Respiratory Medicine  

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The COVID-19 puzzle: deciphering pathophysiology and phenotypes of a new disease entity

The COVID-19 puzzle: deciphering pathophysiology and phenotypes of a new disease entity – The Lancet Respiratory Medicine   Commentary on Twitter We forget that covid-19 is a new disease, never having been seen until late 2019, w/ different features than any prior illness. A truly outstanding review today on its pathophysiology https://t.co/8gx2w8r1xf @LancetRespirMed @osuchm and […]

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Opinion | Covid-19: Sputnik vaccine rockets, thanks to Lancet boost

Covid-19: Sputnik vaccine rockets, thanks to Lancet boost – The BMJ   Commentary on Twitter Journals risk being used in place of regulators when they publish studies of novel vaccines that have not yet been authorised by a major regulator @DoctorChrisVT unpicks the story of the Sputnik V vaccine https://t.co/lYf7l0lXcy — The BMJ (@bmj_latest) May […]

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Practice changing | A four-month rifapentine regiment with moxifloxacin is noninferior to the standard 6-month regimen in the treatment of tuberculosis.

Four-Month Rifapentine Regimens with or without Moxifloxacin for Tuberculosis – New England Journal of Medicine Commentary: Four-month TB treatment matches six-month standard of care – Aidsmap  

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[Press release – not published yet] Moderna announces positive initial booster data against SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern.

Moderna Announces Positive Initial Booster Data Against SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern – Moderna Commentary: We just got our first evidence that Moderna’s coronavirus booster shot works to fight variants – Insider   Commentaries on Twitter Moderna announces that a single dose of their #COVID19 booster shot provides a strong immunologic response to the variant first […]

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Cohort study shows inadequate antibody response to mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccine among kidney transplant recipients.

Antibody response to mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccine among kidney transplant recipients – Prospective cohort study – Clinical Microbiology and Infection   Commentary on Twitter The studies of mRNA vax in people with transplants are getting bigger: still the same message. Some protection, but not enough. This time, 308 people with kidney transplants in Israel, BNT-Pfizer vaccine […]

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