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Why more contagious variants are emerging now, more than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic

Why more contagious variants are emerging now, more than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic – The Conversation  

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Podcast: Sarcoidosis

#256 Sarcoidosis – The Curbsiders Internal Medicine Podcast  

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Effectiveness of telerehabilitation in physical therapy: A rapid overview

Effectiveness of telerehabilitation in physical therapy: A rapid overview – Physical Therapy  

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Opinion: RECOVERY confirms benefit of tocilizumab combined with dexamethasone

PulmCrit – RECOVERY confirms benefit of toci combined with dexamethasone Original study: RCT: Tocilizumab reduces deaths in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 (study and commentaries)  

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Potential health and economic impacts of dexamethasone treatment for patients with COVID-19

Potential health and economic impacts of dexamethasone treatment for patients with COVID-19 – Nature Communications   Commentary on Twitter RCTs Save Live$DEXA saves live$Potential health&economic impacts of dexamethasone treatment for #COVID19 patientsThe study estimate that between July & Dec 2020, for ??, ~12,000 lives could be saved & ~650,000 lives saved globally over the same […]

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SARS-CoV-2 variants and ending the COVID-19 pandemic

SARS-CoV-2 variants and ending the COVID-19 pandemic – The Lancet   Commentary on Twitter 2021 will be the year of the #COVID19 variant. A commentary in press in the @TheLancet discusses the issue and makes proposals on how to tackle it. The whole world will need to work together to get over this one. https://t.co/5Z6uNW7vBF […]

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Review: Diagnostics for SARS-CoV-2 infections

Diagnostics for SARS-CoV-2 infections – Nature Materials  

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Covid-19: Are cloth masks still effective? And other questions answered

Covid-19: Are cloth masks still effective? And other questions answered – The BMJ  

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Corticosteroids for community acquired pneumonia, influenza and COVID-19: when, how and benefits or harm?

Corticosteroids for CAP, influenza and COVID-19: when, how and benefits or harm? – European Respiratory Review  

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France’s health authority recommends single vaccine shot for people who have had COVID-19

France’s health authority recommends single vaccine shot for people who have had COVID-19 – Euronews See also: Covid: France says just one jab needed for previously infected – BBC Related: Covid-19: People who have had infection might only need one dose of mRNA vaccine – The BMJ AND You’ve had COVID: maybe one dose of […]

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