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RCT: High-flow nasal cannula vs. conventional oxygen therapy in acute COPD exacerbation with mild hypercapnia.

High-flow nasal cannula versus conventional oxygen therapy in acute COPD exacerbation with mild hypercapnia: a multicenter randomized controlled trial – Critical Care  

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RCT: Efficacy and safety of varenicline for smoking cessation in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Efficacy and Safety of Varenicline for Smoking Cessation in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Clinical Trial – JAMA Network Open Author Interview: Efficacy and Safety of Varenicline in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes – JAMA   Commentary on Twitter This randomized clinical trial (CoEHAR) found the use of varenicline in smoking cessation programs […]

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How common is long COVID? Why studies give different answers.

How common is long COVID? Why studies give different answers – Nature  

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RCT: Low-dose methylprednisolone does not improve outcomes in critically ill patients with severe community-acquired pneumonia.

Low-dose methylprednisolone treatment in critically ill patients with severe community-acquired pneumonia – Intensive Care Medicine  

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[Preprint] Open-label RCT: Baricitinib noninferior to Tocilizumab in hospitalized patients with severe COVID-19.

Tocilizumab versus baricitinib in hospitalized patients with severe COVID-19: an open label, randomized controlled trial – medRxiv Related: Baricitinib versus dexamethasone for adults hospitalised with COVID-19 (ACTT-4): a randomised, double-blind, double placebo-controlled trial – The Lancet Respiratory Medicine Baricitinib in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial and updated […]

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Clues to long Covid: Scientists strive to unravel what is driving disabling symptoms.

Clues To Long Covid – Science  

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Consensus Study: A core outcome set for post-COVID-19 condition in adults for use in clinical practice and research.

A core outcome set for post-COVID-19 condition in adults for use in clinical practice and research: an international Delphi consensus study – The Lancet Respiratory Medicine News Release: Key outcomes of Long COVID identified in international consensus study – King’s College London Invited Commentary: Post-COVID-19 condition in children: a COS is urgently needed – The […]

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Case-control study: Risk of long COVID associated with delta vs. omicron variants of SARS-CoV-2.

Risk of long COVID associated with delta versus omicron variants of SARS-CoV-2 – The Lancet News Release: Long COVID risk less during Omicron compared to Delta, study finds – King’s College London Commentaries: Expert reaction to study looking at long COVID prevalence associated with delta versus omicron variants of SARS-CoV-2 – Science Media Centre Omicron […]

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WHO Interim statement on decision-making considerations for the use of variant updated COVID-19 vaccines.

Interim statement on decision-making considerations for the use of variant updated COVID-19 vaccines – World Health Organization See also: Interim statement on the composition of current COVID-19 vaccines – World Health Organization   Commentary on Twitter (thread – click for more) Current #COVID19 vaccines provide high levels of protection against severe disease and death from […]

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Brief Review: Helmet noninvasive support in hypoxemic respiratory failure.

Helmet noninvasive support in hypoxemic respiratory failure – Intensive Care Medicine (if the link is paywalled, try this one)   Commentary on Twitter Helmet noninvasive support in hypoxemic respiratory failure:⚙️ set‐up⛑ physiology of helmet interface: from most relevant feature to major drawbacks? clinical implicationsFree to read #FOAMcc on @yourICM ? https://t.co/qNE4Id5oBg pic.twitter.com/b2auLLlW9z — Intensive Care […]

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