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Meta-analysis: Respiratory function post-infection by COVID-19. Altered diffusion capacity, restrictive pattern, and obstructive pattern were found in 39%, 15% and 7% of patients, respectively

Meta-analysis: Respiratory function post-infection by COVID-19. Altered diffusion capacity, restrictive pattern, and obstructive pattern were found in 39%, 15% and 7% of patients, respectively

Respiratory function in patients post-infection by COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis – Pulmonology   Commentary on Twitter Check out our recent systematic review in post-COVID-19 patients. Altered diffusion capacity, restrictive pattern and obstructive pattern were found in 39%, 15% and 7% of patients, respectively. @VilaroJordi @lvasconcello @RestoyAlsina @BufadorBufador https://t.co/PDHcUOCEbw — Rodrigo Torres Castro (@klgorodtorres) […]

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