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The risk of postoperative complications following major elective surgery in active or resolved COVID-19 in the United States – Major, elective surgery 0–4 weeks after Covid-19 is associated with greatly increased risk of postoperative complications; surge

The risk of postoperative complications following major elective surgery in active or resolved COVID-19 in the United States – Major, elective surgery 0–4 weeks after Covid-19 is associated with greatly increased risk of postoperative complications; surge

The Risk of Postoperative Complications following Major Elective Surgery in Active or Resolved COVID-19 in the United States – Annals of Surgery Related: Guideline: SARS‐CoV‐2 infection, COVID‐19 and timing of elective surgery Study from 116 countries suggests surgery should be delayed for at least seven weeks following a COVID-19 diagnosis to reduce mortality risk ASA Guidance: Preoperative […]

The post The risk of postoperative complications following major elective surgery in active or resolved COVID-19 in the United States – Major, elective surgery 0–4 weeks after Covid-19 is associated with greatly increased risk of postoperative complications; surgery performed 4–8 weeks after infection is still associated with an increased risk of pneumonia. appeared first on Links Medicus.

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