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Systematic Review: Colchicine for the treatment of COVID‐19 – not beneficial for hospitalized patients; inconclusive evidence for the treatment of non-hospitalized patients, “probably slightly reduces the need for hospitalization or death within 28 days c

Systematic Review: Colchicine for the treatment of COVID‐19 – not beneficial for hospitalized patients; inconclusive evidence for the treatment of non-hospitalized patients, “probably slightly reduces the need for hospitalization or death within 28 days c

Colchicine for the treatment of COVID‐19 – Cochrane Library Related: [Preprint] PRINCIPLE RCT: Colchicine does not improve time to recovery in outpatients with Covid-19 at higher risk of complications. COLCORONA RCT: Colchicine for community-treated patients with COVID-19 – findings suggest it may lower death and hospital admission rates, but further studies are required. [Preprint] RECOVERY […]

The post Systematic Review: Colchicine for the treatment of COVID‐19 – not beneficial for hospitalized patients; inconclusive evidence for the treatment of non-hospitalized patients, “probably slightly reduces the need for hospitalization or death within 28 days compared to placebo”. appeared first on Links Medicus.

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