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Review | COVID-19 and immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: effect of disease and treatment on COVID-19 outcomes and vaccine responses.

Review | COVID-19 and immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: effect of disease and treatment on COVID-19 outcomes and vaccine responses.

COVID-19 and immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: effect of disease and treatment on COVID-19 outcomes and vaccine responses – The Lancet Rheumatology   Commentary on Twitter NEW REVIEW—COVID-19 and immune-mediated inflammatory diseases Filippo Fagni and colleagues @UniFAU review the effect of disease and treatment on #COVID19 outcomes and #vaccine responseshttps://t.co/ue8XnDF1sM #LancetRheumatology @KorayTascilar pic.twitter.com/Yrk4SmeSbE — The Lancet Rheumatology […]

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