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How the Delta variant achieves its ultrafast spread – “Viral load is roughly 1,000 times higher in people infected with the Delta variant than those infected with the original coronavirus strain, according to a study in China”.

How the Delta variant achieves its ultrafast spread – “Viral load is roughly 1,000 times higher in people infected with the Delta variant than those infected with the original coronavirus strain, according to a study in China”.

How the Delta variant achieves its ultrafast spread – Nature Original study: Study shows the viral loads in the Delta infections are ~1000 times higher than those in the earlier strain infections on the day when viruses are firstly detected.  

The post How the Delta variant achieves its ultrafast spread – “Viral load is roughly 1,000 times higher in people infected with the Delta variant than those infected with the original coronavirus strain, according to a study in China”. appeared first on Links Medicus.

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