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Review: Non-invasive ventilatory support and high-flow nasal oxygen as first-line treatment of acute hypoxemic respiratory failure and ARDS.

Review: Non-invasive ventilatory support and high-flow nasal oxygen as first-line treatment of acute hypoxemic respiratory failure and ARDS.

Non-invasive ventilatory support and high-flow nasal oxygen as first-line treatment of acute hypoxemic respiratory failure and ARDS – Intensive Care Medicine   Commentary on Twitter Physiology-to-bedside overview about non-invasive ventilatory support in AHRF & #ARDS➡️spontaneous breathing: benefits/harms➡️how to make spontaneous effort non‑injurious?➡️optimizing HFNO & NIV➡️monitoring to detect failure & be protective➡️evidencehttps://t.co/KPW2u8akhA pic.twitter.com/yKVxrYaFmZ — Intens Care […]

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