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RCT: No difference in 30-day mortality with discontinuation vs. continuation of renin-angiotensin-system inhibitors in patients with COVID-19, but secondary and explorative analysis showed discontinuation of RAS-inhibition may lead to a faster and better

RCT: No difference in 30-day mortality with discontinuation vs. continuation of renin-angiotensin-system inhibitors in patients with COVID-19, but secondary and explorative analysis showed discontinuation of RAS-inhibition may lead to a faster and better

Discontinuation versus continuation of renin-angiotensin-system inhibitors in COVID-19 (ACEI-COVID): a prospective, parallel group, randomised, controlled, open-label trial – The Lancet Respiratory Medicine Editorial: RAS inhibition and COVID-19: more questions than answers? Related randomized trials showing no benefit from discontinuation: Randomized trial: No benefit from discontinuing ACE Inhibitors and ARBs in patients admitted with COVID-19 AND […]

The post RCT: No difference in 30-day mortality with discontinuation vs. continuation of renin-angiotensin-system inhibitors in patients with COVID-19, but secondary and explorative analysis showed discontinuation of RAS-inhibition may lead to a faster and better recovery. appeared first on Links Medicus.

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