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#ACC21 – [Not published yet] RCT: Among hospitalized patients with Covid-19 and elevated D-Dimer, therapeutic anticoagulation with Rivaroxaban 20 mg was not associated with improved outcomes and resulted in increased major bleeding.

#ACC21 – [Not published yet] RCT: Among hospitalized patients with Covid-19 and elevated D-Dimer, therapeutic anticoagulation with Rivaroxaban 20 mg was not associated with improved outcomes and resulted in increased major bleeding.

AntiCoagulaTIon cOroNavirus – ACTION – American College of Cardiology Commentary: ACTION: Full-Dose Rivaroxaban Doesn’t Help in Hospitalized COVID-19 – TCTMD Video: Dr. Renato Lopes and Dr. C. Michael Gibson Discuss: Randomized Clinical Trial To Evaluate A Routine Full Anticoagulation Strategy In Patients With Coronavirus Infection (SARS-CoV-2) Admitted To Hospital: The Coalition ACTION Trial  

The post #ACC21 – [Not published yet] RCT: Among hospitalized patients with Covid-19 and elevated D-Dimer, therapeutic anticoagulation with Rivaroxaban 20 mg was not associated with improved outcomes and resulted in increased major bleeding. appeared first on Links Medicus.

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