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Most COVID-19 patients receiving home-based hospital care did not require escalation to traditional hospital setting – Approximately 1 in 5 were admitted within 14 days. Higher oxygen saturation was associated with decreased odds of transfer, whereas high

Most COVID-19 patients receiving home-based hospital care did not require escalation to traditional hospital setting – Approximately 1 in 5 were admitted within 14 days. Higher oxygen saturation was associated with decreased odds of transfer, whereas high

Most COVID-19 patients receiving home-based hospital care did not require escalation to traditional hospital setting – American College of Physicians Original study: Factors Associated With Risk for Care Escalation Among Patients With COVID-19 Receiving Home-Based Hospital Care – Annals of Internal Medicine Related: Pandemic Boosts an Old Idea—Bringing Acute Care to the Patient  

The post Most COVID-19 patients receiving home-based hospital care did not require escalation to traditional hospital setting – Approximately 1 in 5 were admitted within 14 days. Higher oxygen saturation was associated with decreased odds of transfer, whereas higher comorbidity burden was associated with increased risk. appeared first on Links Medicus.

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