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Review: COVID-19-associated coagulopathy and antithrombotic agents – In non-critically ill hospitalized patients, therapeutic dose anticoagulation may improve clinical outcomes. In critically ill patients, this same treatment does not improve outcomes, an

Review: COVID-19-associated coagulopathy and antithrombotic agents – In non-critically ill hospitalized patients, therapeutic dose anticoagulation may improve clinical outcomes. In critically ill patients, this same treatment does not improve outcomes, an

COVID-19-associated coagulopathy and antithrombotic agents—lessons after 1 year – The Lancet Haematology Related: Full-dose Heparin best for moderate COVID-19 regardless of D-dimer — Data released from ACTIV-4a, ATTACC, and REMAP-CAP trials AND RCT: Intermediate-dose enoxaparin (1 mg/kg/d) not better than standard-dose prophylactic anticoagulation in patients with Covid-19 admitted to the intensive care unit   Commentary […]

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