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Specific immunotherapy in asthma: efficacy and safety

In conclusion both SLIT and SCIT can be used in asthma associated with rhinitis (which is the most common condition), provided that asthma is adequately controlled by pharmacotherapy. In such case, a measurable clinical benefit on asthma symptoms can be expected.
On the other hand, SIT cannot be presently recommended as single therapy when asthma is the unique manifestation of respiratory allergy.

Air pollution harms more than your lungs

Is poor air quality giving your child ear infections? Aaron Bernstein, MD, MPH is a pediatrician at Children’s Hospital Boston and faculty member at Harvard Medical School’s Center for Health and the Global Environment. As parents, many of you are well familiar with ear infections. They may start with mild discomfort and a little tugging on the ear but can quickly blossom into severe ear pain for your child and sleepless nights for everyone in the house.
In addition to all the inflammation, sleep loss and mounting crankiness, ear infections account for more pediatrician visits and antibiotic prescriptions than any other condition. All told, the United States spends about $5 billion each year diagnosing and treating ear infections. So although ear infections may each be considered a re...

BCG vaccination ‘does not protect against allergic disease’

There is little evidence to indicate that the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccination against tuberculosis also protects children against the development of allergic disease, say researchers in a review and meta-analysis of published studies.

Novel Therapeutic Approaches for Pulmonary Fibrosis

Pulmonary fibrosis represents the end stage of a number of heterogeneous conditions and is, to a greater or lesser degree, the hallmark of the interstitial lung diseases (ILDs). It is characterised by the excessive deposition of extracellular matrix proteins within the pulmonary interstitium leading to the obliteration of functional alveolar units and in many cases, respiratory failure. While a small number of ILDs have known aetiologies, most are idiopathic in nature, and of these, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is the most common and carries with it an appalling prognosis – median survival from the time of diagnosis is less than 3 years.
This reflects the lack of any effective therapy to modify the course of the disease, which in turn is indicative of our incomplete unders...

Allergic disease linked to thrombosis risk

Patients with venous thromboembolism are nearly twice as likely to have atopic diseases, such as allergic rhinitis, as individuals with no history of thrombosis, researchers report.
