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The Epithelial Cell and Lung Cancer: The Link between Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Lung Cancer.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer currently form the basis for an enormous disease burden in the developed world. As a result of changing smoking trends and tobacco use, regrettably, a similar picture is arising rapidly within the developing world.

COPD is a recognised risk factor for lung cancer, and a significant proportion of patients diagnosed with lung cancer have COPD. An association between both conditions has long been suspected but has proven difficult to demonstrate thus far. However, the common factors between both conditions are now becoming apparent thanks to recent clinical and molecular advances. Abnormal regulation of the immune system and the establishment of chronic inflammation appear to be key events in this process. In addition, the complex interplay between genes and environment and the possibility of a genetic basis to lung cancer susceptibility in the context of COPD are becoming clearer concepts.

As we begin to unravel the common pathways and molecules in the pathogenesis of both conditions, we may be able to not only identify novel strategies to prevent and treat COPD and lung cancer, but also recognise molecular markers to identify patients at high risk of developing lung cancer.

Comparative cost-effectiveness of a fluticasone-propionate/salmeterol combination versus anticholinergics as initial maintenance therapy for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Relative costs and utilization-related outcomes of a fluticasone propionate 250 μg + salmeterol 50 μg combination (FSC), tiotropium bromide, and ipratropium as initial maintenance therapy in COPD have not been compared in a commercially-insured population.

Optimizing management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the upcoming decade.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a leading cause of disability and mortality. Caring for patients with COPD, particularly those with advanced disease who experience frequent exacerbations, places a significant burden on health care budgets, and there is a global need to reduce the financial and personal burden of COPD. Evolving scientific evidence on the natural history and clinical course of COPD has fuelled a fundamental shift in our approach to the disease.

The emergence of data highlighting the heterogeneity in rate of lung function decline has altered our perception of disease progression in COPD and our understanding of appropriate strategies for the management of stable disease. These data have demonstrated that early, effective, and prolonged bronchodilation has the potential to slow the rate of decline in lung function and to reduce the frequency of exacerbations that contribute to functional decline. The goals of therapy for COPD are no longer confined to controlling symptoms, reducing exacerbations, and maintaining quality of life, and slowing disease progression is now becoming an achievable aim. A challenge for the future will be to capitalize on these observations by improving the identification and diagnosis of patients with COPD early in the course of their disease, so that effective interventions can be introduced before the more advanced, disabling, and costly stages of the disease.

Here we critically review emerging data that underpin the advances in our understanding of the clinical course and management of COPD, and evaluate both current and emerging pharmacologic options for effective maintenance treatment.

Unicentric study of cell therapy in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/pulmonary emphysema.

Within the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) spectrum, lung emphysema presents, as a primarily histopathologic feature, the destruction of pulmonary parenchyma and, accordingly, an increase in the airflow obstruction distal to the terminal bronchiole. Notwithstanding the significant advances in prevention and treatment of symptoms, no effective or curative therapy has been accomplished. In this context, cellular therapy with stem cells (SCs) arises as a new therapeutic approach, with a wide application potential.

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety of SCs infusion procedure in patients with advanced COPD (stage IV dyspnea). After selection, patients underwent clinical examination and received granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, immediately prior to the bone marrow harvest. The bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMC) were isolated and infused into a peripheral vein. The 12-month follow-up showed a significant improvement in the quality of life, as well as a clinical stable condition, which suggest a change in the natural process of the disease.

Therefore, the proposed methodology in this study for BMMC cell therapy in sufferers of advanced COPD was demonstrated to be free of significant adverse effects. Although a larger sample and a greater follow-up period are needed, it is possible to infer that BMMC cell therapy introduces an unprecedented change in the course or in the natural history of emphysema, inhibiting or slowing the progression of disease.

Development and validation of the living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease questionnaire.

Available patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) focus primarily on impairment (symptoms) and activities (functioning). The purpose of the study was to develop a patient-based PRO measure for COPD that captures the overall everyday impact of living with COPD from the patient's perspective.

METHODS: LCOPD items (Living with COPD Questionnaire) were generated from qualitative interviews in the UK and focus groups in the USA. The draft measure was tested for face and content validity in both countries. Item reduction and testing for reproducibility and construct validity was conducted via Rasch and traditional psychometric analyses.

RESULTS: The draft LCOPD was found to be relevant and acceptable to patients in the UK (N = 19) and US (N = 16). Application of Rasch analysis to data collected in validation studies (n = 162 in the UK and 145 in US) identified a 22-item scale that measured a single construct in both countries. Psychometric analyses indicated that this version was internally consistent and reproducible. Scores on the measure were related as expected to clinician ratings of disease severity and patient ratings of COPD severity and general health.

CONCLUSIONS: The LCOPD is a new measure examining the everyday impact of living with COPD. It demonstrates good scaling properties and may prove valuable in understanding treatment benefits.
