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[Diode laser therapy for endobronchial malignant melanoma metastasis leading bilateral main bronchus obstruction.]

Bronchoscopically detected endobronchial metastases of tracheal or bronchial wall were very rare and prevalence of these lesions were about 2%. Breast, renal and colon carcinomas were the most common cancers causing endobronchial metastasis. Also some other tumors can also make endobronchial metastasis.

These tumors can be listed as thyroid, ovary, parotis, maxillary, bone, nasopharynx, prostate, bladder, uterus, plasmocytoma, melanoma, testicular and sarcoma. Malignant melanomas develop by the malign transformation of the melanocytes and constitudes 4% of the skin cancers. Malignant melanoma mainly metastasis to regional lymph nodes, bones and central nervous system. On the other hand, lungs are also one of the metastasis areas of these tumors. Lung metastases usually occur by tumor emboli arriving to the pulmonary arteries. Bronchoscopically detected endobronchial metastases of malign melanoma cases are very rare.

Endobronchial treatment with diode laser and rigid bronchoscopy was applied to our case which presented with left total atelectasis and endobronchial metastase in the entrance of right main bronchus. As known, Nd YAG and Nd-YAP lasers have been in use for a long time and their efficiency have been approved in endobronchial treatment. On the other hand, although diode laser has been safely used in urology, dermatology and endovasculer surgery, its role in the therapeutic bronchoscopy is new and limited. Our case is presented as an example of a rarely seen endobronchial metastasis and as an example of its management with a new device.

Tuberk Toraks. 2010 Oct;58(4):444-449
Authors: Dalar L, Karasulu AL, Altın S, Sökücü SN, Düger M, Urer N
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