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[Pleural metastases from bronchial carcinoma: Is a cure possible?]

The 2009 TNM classification of lung cancer reclassified patients with pleural invasion from stage IIIB (T4) to stage IV (M+). However, the 2009 TNM separates patients with pleural metastases (M1a) from patients with others visceral metastases (M1b), the patients with stage M1a having the better prognosis.

CASE REPORTS: Two cases are reported of patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) metastatic to the pleura, having a long disease free survival (50 and 34 months).

CONCLUSIONS: Patients with pleural metastases from NSCLC seem to have a better prognosis than other patients with stage IV disease, maybe because of a subgroup of patients with long survival. This long survival is probably related to specific biological characteristics of certain pleural disorders that need to be identified. This would allow a more aggressive treatment of this subgroup of patients regarded today as incurable.

Rev Mal Respir. 2011 Jan;28(1):80-83
Authors: Tomasini P, Barlesi F
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