The aim of this study was to determine reference equations for the combined measurement of diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (CO) and nitric oxide (NO) (DLCONO). In
DLCONO was measured in 282 healthy individuals aged 18–97 years using the single-breath technique and a breath-hold time of 5 s (true apnoea period). The following values were used: 1) specific conductance of nitric oxide (θNO)=4.5 mLNO·mLblood−1·min−1·mmHg−1; 2) ratio of diffusing capacity of the membrane for NO and CO (DmNO/DmCO)=1.97; and 3) 1/red cell CO conductance (1/θCO)=(1.30+0.0041·mean capillary oxygen pressure)·(14.6/Hb concentration in g·dL−1).
Reference equations were established for the outcomes of DLCONO, including DLCO and DLNO and the calculated values Dm and Vc. Independent variables were age, sex, height and age squared.
By providing new reference equations and by appealing for consensus regarding the methodology, we hope to provide a basis for future studies and clinical use of this novel and interesting method.
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