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Advances in pulmonary therapy and drug development: Lung tissue engineering to lung-on-a-chip.

Lung disease is one of the major causes of death, and the rate of pulmonary diseases has been increasing for decades. Although lung transplantation is the only treatment for majority of patients, this method has been limited due to lack of donors. Therefore, recently, attentions have increased to some new strategies with the aid of tissue engineering and microfluidics techniques not only for the functional analysis, but also for drug screening. In fact, in tissue engineering, the engineered tissue is able to grow by using the patient's own cells without intervention in the immune system. On the other hand, microfluidics devices are applied in order to evaluate drug screenings, function analysis and toxicity.

This article reviews new advances in lung tissue engineering and lung-on-a-chip. Furthermore, future directions, difficulties and drawbacks of pulmonary therapy in these areas are discussed.

Biotechnol Adv. 2016 Feb 11;
Authors: Doryab A, Amoabediny G, Salehi-Najafabadi A
